NewsThank You to the Unbeatable Volunteers of the 2023 Karate Australia National Championships

September 1, 2023
Thank you

The WA Karate Federation Board extends its deepest thanks to the extraordinary team of volunteers who dedicated their time and energy to ensure the resounding success of the 2023 Karate Australia National Championships over the past weekend. Their unwavering commitment and efforts were the cornerstones of this remarkable event, showcasing the true spirit of community.

These remarkable individuals formed the backbone of the championships. Their efforts ensured that every aspect of the event ran seamlessly, leaving an indelible mark on all who participated and attended.

The camaraderie and enthusiasm exhibited by the volunteers were inspiring. Their friendly demeanour and willingness to go the extra mile created an atmosphere of warmth and inclusivity throughout the championships.

“We owe a tremendous amount of gratitude to our volunteers who demonstrated unparalleled dedication and passion,” said Justin Dowell, Chairperson of the WA Karate Federation Board. “Their selfless contributions allowed us to host an event that will be remembered for years to come.

The willingness of volunteers to step up and lend a helping hand speaks volumes about the strength of our karate community and their commitment to promoting the sport on a national stage.

As the championships concluded last Sunday, we reflect on the memories created, the bonds forged, and the sportsmanship displayed.

The WA Karate Federation Board proudly extends thank you to each and every volunteer for their invaluable contribution. Your dedication has left an indelible mark on the event and the hearts of all who were fortunate enough to be a part of it.